Eight Safety Strategies To Teach Children About Strangers


Help your children identify which stranger they can trust, such as a policeman, a mom with other kids, a store manager, or a security guard.  Identify Unsafe Places Internet chat rooms aren’t the only unsafe areas for children. Teach your children that any location that’s isolated like the backyard woods, parking lots, or dark street… [read more]

Ten Reasons Parents Should Pray For Children


Prayer reminds us that we are not the solution to all problems. A family that prays together stays together. Prayer aligns us with God’s heart, purposes and blessings. Prayer is an act of humility that precedes honor. Prayer enlarges the heart beyond our selfish motive. Prayer provokes the heart to consider something outside yourself. Prayer… [read more]

How Too Motivate Children In School And At Home


Encourage them to express their opinions. Show enthusiasm their interests. Provide them with play opportunities that support different learning styles. Point out the new things they learn with enthusiasm. Ask about what they are learning in school. Help them to stay organized. Celebrate achievements no matter how small. Focus on their strengths and help with… [read more]