1. Have a Positive Attitude Approach the big test as you would approach a giant jigsaw puzzle. It might be tough, but you can do it! A positive attitude goes a long way toward success. 2. Make a Plan The week before the test, ask your… [read more]
10 Components of Reading For Young Children
1. Phonemic awareness, letter sound knowledge, and concepts of print. 2. Phonics and decoding 3. Fluency 4. Vocabulary 5. Comprehension 6. Written Expression 7. Spelling and handwriting 8. Assessment of Reading Skills 9. Reading materials should be based on the child’s interest. 10. Children should be read to when they are young.
Ten Things To Teach Kids During Christmas
1. You have to work for the things you want. 2. Everything comes at a price. 3. Save your money. 4. It’s better to give than receive. 5. Help those in need. 6. Give what you can. 7. Sometimes you have to wait on the things you… [read more]
10 Things Parents Should Teach Kids
1. Respect for others will carry you far. 2. Save your money 3. To lose and win gracefully. 4. Show up and do your best. 5. Respect others property. 6. Clean up behind yourself. 7. Be honest with others. 8. Learn from your mistakes. 9.… [read more]
10 Websites To Help Kids With Typing
1. Dance Mat Typing http://www.rogers2.smmusd.org/teachers/type/ 2. Typing Games https://www.typing.com/typinglessons 3. The Typing of the Ghosts http://www.abcya.com/ghost_typing.htm 4. Key-Man http://www.typingmaster.com/games/keyman.asp 5. Key Seeker http://annrymer.com/keyseeker/ 6. Alpha Munchies http://www.abcya.com/kids_typing_game.htm 7. Type-a-Balloon https://www.typing.com/student/games/play/type-a-balloon 8. Typing Ninja https://www.typing.com/student/games/play/keyboard-ninja 9. Type Type Revolution http://www.learninggamesforkids.com/keyboarding_games/keyboarding_games_type_type_revolution.html 10. Typing Chef http://www.sense-lang.org/typing/games/typingchef.php http://www.todaysparent.com/kids/technology/fun-typing-games-for-kids/
Ten Things To Have On A Back To School Checklist
1. Readjust bed times. 2. Have a family calendar. 3. Have a in and out box for school forms. 4. Discuss school goals for the year. 5. Stay in contact with teachers at school. 6. Help with the local PTA. 7. Create healthy… [read more]
Ten Things Parents Should Do for Teachers
1. Stay informed of school activities. 2. Attend Back to School night. 3. Be a team player. 4. Respect teachers’ time. 5. Know when to use email and when to use the phone. 6. Get the teacher’s side of the story. 7. Let teachers… [read more]
Ten Reasons Parents Should Join The PTA
1. You care about your kids. 2. Students benefit academically from parent involvement. 3. To get connected with other parents. 4. You can help teachers become successful. 5. You can advocate for kids. 6. You will play a part in decisions that affect children. 7.… [read more]
10 Reasons Nonreaders Don’t Read
1: Reading is not their strength. 2: They can’t read as fast as their peers. 3: They fear they will have to read out loud and be embarrassed. 4: They often have low self-esteem in regards to reading. 5: They believe they have to finish every… [read more]
10 Reasons For After School Programs For Kids
1. Kids find friends with similar interest. 2. It helps them to learn how to manage their time. 3. It helps them to master a new skill which helps to build confidence. 4. It teaches kids how to work as a team. 5. It helps kids to… [read more]