Give the pet respect and love. Understand that the dog or cat isn’t a toy. Children should be supervised when playing with pets. Respect the pet’s basic needs and moods. Help take care of the pet. Treat animals the way they would like to be treated. Realize the new pet will be annoying at times.… [read more]
Eight Safety Strategies To Teach Children About Strangers
Help your children identify which stranger they can trust, such as a policeman, a mom with other kids, a store manager, or a security guard. Identify Unsafe Places Internet chat rooms aren’t the only unsafe areas for children. Teach your children that any location that’s isolated like the backyard woods, parking lots, or dark street… [read more]
Eight facts About E-Books for Children
1.39% of children read from computer screens or laptops everyday. Today’s children prefer computer devices over regular books. Nearly 50% of all children have some type of computer device at home. Girls are more likely to read from a book than boys. Girls are more likely to read in general more than boys. One reason… [read more]
Eight Things To Teach Children About Money
Money doesn’t grow on trees you have to work to get it. Create a budget to keep track of spending. Don’t buy everything that you see or want. It won’t hurt to control your spending. Saving can be fun because you see how your money grows. It’s nothing wrong with having a wish list of… [read more]
Seven Ways To Help Your Kid Make Friends
Play games with your child to practice social skills. Read books with your child on how to make friends. Have your child join a sports team or an organization. Talk to your child about choosing friends. Be a good role model for your children. Don’t try to solve your child’s friendship problem, teach them problem… [read more]
Five Reasons Not To Still Be Feeding Your Kids Turkey and Dressing
Ten Reasons Parents Should Pray For Children
Prayer reminds us that we are not the solution to all problems. A family that prays together stays together. Prayer aligns us with God’s heart, purposes and blessings. Prayer is an act of humility that precedes honor. Prayer enlarges the heart beyond our selfish motive. Prayer provokes the heart to consider something outside yourself. Prayer… [read more]
10 Ways To Help Pay for College for Your Children
Invest in a 529 college savings account. Many states offer prepaid tuition plans consider this option. Invest after-tax income into a brokerage account to save for college. Live a modest life style to help pay for college. Invest in your employer’s college savings plan. Look at scholarships and grants. Have your child stay in state… [read more]
Ten Reasons Parents Send There Students To Private Schools
Ten Ways To Help Children With Autism
Be consistent with them. Make Eye Contact a Priority. Pay attention to their nonverbal behavior. Make sure that they are not overstimulated. Create a daily schedule. Reward good behavior. Make time for fun. Help them with social interactions. Identify what triggers meltdowns. Love them unconditionally.