1. Dance Mat Typing http://www.rogers2.smmusd.org/teachers/type/ 2. Typing Games https://www.typing.com/typinglessons 3. The Typing of the Ghosts http://www.abcya.com/ghost_typing.htm 4. Key-Man http://www.typingmaster.com/games/keyman.asp 5. Key Seeker http://annrymer.com/keyseeker/ 6. Alpha Munchies http://www.abcya.com/kids_typing_game.htm 7. Type-a-Balloon https://www.typing.com/student/games/play/type-a-balloon 8. Typing Ninja https://www.typing.com/student/games/play/keyboard-ninja 9. Type Type Revolution http://www.learninggamesforkids.com/keyboarding_games/keyboarding_games_type_type_revolution.html 10. Typing Chef http://www.sense-lang.org/typing/games/typingchef.php http://www.todaysparent.com/kids/technology/fun-typing-games-for-kids/
Ten Reasons Parents Should Join The PTA
1. You care about your kids. 2. Students benefit academically from parent involvement. 3. To get connected with other parents. 4. You can help teachers become successful. 5. You can advocate for kids. 6. You will play a part in decisions that affect children. 7.… [read more]